Aims & Scope
Exchange ideas and foster collaboration between researchers from representation theory and functional analysis working on categorical aspects of the theory.
There will be four mini-courses (each 3x45min) of introductory character, followed by research talks (each 30min) on recent results.
Please access the conference's webforum
to upload material related to the conference and enter the discussion with other participants.
The schedule for the conference can be found
Lidia Angeleri Hügel (University of Verona): Silting and tilting theory
Bernhard Keller (Université de Paris): Derived categories of exact categories
Yann Palu (Université de Picardie Jules Verne): Extriangulated categories
Sven-Ake Wegner (Universität Hamburg): Non-abelian categories in functional analysis
Further speakers
Sergei Akbarov (HSE, Russia)
Septimiu Crivei (Babes-Bolyai, Romania)
Luisa Fiorot (Padova, Italy)
Johanne Haugland (NTNU, Norway)
Gustavo Jasso (Bonn, Germany)
Francesca Mantese (Verona, Italy)
Alexei Pirkovskii (HSE, Russia)
Aran Tattar (Leicester, UK)
Simone Virili (Murcia, Spain)
Jochen Wengenroth (Trier, Germany)
Conference Picture